Monday, January 24, 2011

Mission: I Refuse To Make Up My Mind!

I’m in the process of figuring things out. I’m at the point in my life where, one after another, decisions line up demanding that I decide NOW! From where I’m going to college to if I’m going to get totally wasted this weekend, I’m pulled in 1000 different directions, and I have no time to think anything through.

I’m probably the most indecisive person you’ll ever meet in the entire world. On my first date with my boyfriend, I “nose-goes-ed” where we were going to eat. I mean, really? Who does that? I never know what I want, and I change my mind 1500 times before deciding finally on something that I’m still not certain of.

But, finally, I’ve decided something.

The most beautiful part of life is not knowing. That’s why I created this blog. It’s okay to have a billion different interests and not know where you’re going. That’s what I plan to do. Explore as many things as possible and see where I end up.
I’m on a journey to self-discovery. Whether it’s media, music, cooking, or art, I will attempt something new that I’ve never done before every week. Sure, I’ll make mistakes and stress myself out and probably end up with some funny stories, but that’s the beauty of it all…not knowing.


Megan is a freshman at Austin College. She is definitely the most indecisive person on the planet and has a lot of different interests including watching movies, baking cookies, writing, and listening to music. You can contact her via facebook or twitter.

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